Workout Drumsticks

Tone up while you workout!
Have you tried the new fitness exercise classes that incorporate weighted drumsticks? The weight in the sticks helps tone your muscles while your shedding those pounds. Try Drum Bum's new and colorful workout drumsticks with comfort grips!
Hot Pink Drumsticks
Now available with Grips
Weighted for Toning
Durable, Sythentic Construction
Quiet Tips are Available by request
Do you own your own exercise studio and want competitive pricing on workout drumsticks? Buy in bulk and save money.
Workout Drumsticks
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Call 1 800 378-6286
*** Custom Labeling Available ***

Working out with drumsticks is all the rage! Exercise studios across the world are incorporating weighted drumsticks into their routines that in turn is helping to tone their muscles while they lose weight! The best thing is that it's fun! You can move from side to side, pound on a ball, or play a few quick rhythms along with the beat while keeping in step with the instructor. Now, we are proud to offer fitness drumsticks that weigh a bit more and have soft grips that make it very comfortable. They can even be customized with your workout studio's name.

If you're looking for the solid, weighted workout drumsticks, look no further than Drum Bum's fitness drumsticks. Now featuring top quality, grips for extra comfort. Pound away those calories and tone those muscles while working out and having fun. Join the craze of working out to music by using drumsticks with your aerobics routine.
Ask about our new colored fitness workout drumsticks. New on the market, you can look trendy while getting fit. Drum your way to health with drumming workout programs that increase agility while working off the pounds. Drumming exercise classes are all the rage and we've got many drumstick options for you.
Contact us for availability or call us to inquire about options.

Workout Drumsticks for Exercise & Fitness Classes
​Working out with drumsticks is all the rage! If you haven't heard about pound fitness classes or drumfit drumming classes, you're missing out! These exercise aerobic routines incorporate drumming with weighted drumsticks as a part of the workout program. You're not only shedding pounds, you're having fun! Drum Bum is proud to be the first on the market to offer weighted drumsticks with comfort grips. Our fitness sticks are of the highest quality as proven by our great customer and testimonials. The best part? We have many styles to choose from. Buy yourself a fashionable pair of pink or purple colored sticks or go for the popular bright green, made with a rigid polymer so guaranteed to last longer than wood. Either way, you're in good hands with Drum Bum, a 19 year reputable company known for unique drumming products and outstanding customer service. If you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to call us at 1-800-DRUM BUM. That's easy to remember isn't it? :)

We have many colors to choose from. Contact us about availability. We also have custom imprinting available by request if you would like custom sticks with your name, company, or brand on them. Minimums required.