Cardio Drumsticks

Cardio Fitness with Drumsticks
You may or may not have heard but working out with drumsticks is the new way to put 'fun' into your cardio workout routines. Essentially, because the sticks provide extra weight to create resistance, your muscles get toned during your cardio workouts, helping you shed the pounds. Now with comfort grips!
Hot Pink Color
Grips Included
Sticks are Weighted for Toning
Durable, Made in the USA
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Cardio Drumsticks

Drumstick workouts have become a global fitness sensation! Fitness studios worldwide are integrating weighted drumsticks into their routines, providing a dynamic way to tone muscles and shed pounds. The best part? It's a really enjoyable experience and the feedback has been amazing! Whether you're swaying from side to side, striking a ball, or creating rhythmic beats in sync with the instructor, cardio drumsticks add a fun element to your workout.

If you're in search of durable, weighted cardio drumsticks, Drum Bum's fitness drumsticks are the ideal choice. They now come with high-quality grips for added comfort. Pound away calories while sculpting those muscles. Embrace the trend of exercising to music by incorporating weighted drumsticks into your cardio routine.
Inquire about our most durable cardio drumsticks. Our red and black model, we’ve come to label ‘never break’ because we’ve never had a return on them or a customer complaining of breakage. These sticks have a thick, durable polymer base that stands the test of time. Our customer’s love them!
Shed those pounds with our fun and durable cardio drumsticks!
Contact us for availability or call us to inquire about options.
Put the FUN in your Workouts with Cardio Drumsticks
Certainly you've heard about the cardio drumming fitness craze by now. Those that want to lose a few pounds are now figuring out to have more fun through exercise drumming classes with colorful, weighted drumsticks. Cardio drumming incorporates routines with music, padded mats and rubber balls including an exercise instructor leading the way. The idea is to get in shape by using drumming and drumstix to 'rock' your body and lose weight the fun way!
Pretty in Pink!
Fitness drumming should be fun. Bang to the beat and shed those pounds! These fashion pink drumsticks feature super comfortable grips to make holding on to them that much easier. QUALITY MADE IN THE USA, these thick, sturdy drumstix bear the famous and trusted 'Drum Bum' brand. Strong hickory wood. It is no longer necessary to know where to buy the best cardio drumsticks on the market for your exercise drumming program. Drum Bum is the place! We have a 25 year reputation for excellence

Need to Buy Cardio Drumsticks in Bulk?
Call us at 1 800 DRUM BUM
DRUM BUM is the most recognizable and trusted name in the fitness drumming industry.
Our exercise sticks are of the highest quality and made right here in the USA. If you're in the market for fitness drumming sticks for cardio classes, you've come to the right place. In business for 25 years now, Drum Bum is known for quality and our customer service is second to none!
Whether you're buying drumming sticks for Pound classes, Zumba classes or Cardio classes using the ball, we've got top quality fitness drumming sticks for you. Hop on over to or call us at 1-800 DRUM BUM (378-6286). We're here to assist you.
Custom Labeling Available
Want to buy cardio sticks with your own message or branding on them for your drumming programs or Zumba classes? We can now brand our sticks just for you. Call us to inquire about custom printing. For a minimum order of 144 pair, we can put your personal message on them. How about "Drumming Up Fitness" or "Susan's Cardio Studio". For cardio drumming supplies, you can reach us at 1-804-273-1353 or 1-800 DRUM BUM.
Cardio Drumming Tips
Be sure to drum on a large, rubber ball or bang on foam mats on the floor. This will not only lessen the impact on your joints but it will help your cardio drumsticks last longer.
Cardio drumming is more about the movement than the weight of the sticks. The extra weight of the drumsticks is nominal in the grand scheme of things. The cardio training is the most important part of the curriculum.
Like a lot of things, you get out of it what you put into it. Yes, exercise can be fun but don't forget, it's the hard workouts that get you toned and help you control your weight.