Blank Drumsticks
Buy Affordable Blank Drumsticks
Do you need cheap, blank drumsticks for a promotional event? Or maybe you run a business and need blanks for engraving or imprinting? We've got straight, clean, quality sticks at a very low wholesale price.

Blank Drumsticks
Buy Blank Drumsticks for Resale or Custom Imprinting
There are several uses for drumstick blanks. Some drummers want something cheap to practice with so they don't use up their good sticks. They also make great sticks for promo events where the recipients aren't so picky about the particular size or feel. They can be imprinted, engraved or painted with text, custom logos or whatever you desire. We can even put labels on them for you if you wish. Join many other shops and stores that buy wholesale blank drumsticks from us. Call us at 1-800-273-1353 for a drumstick quote. - Buy in bulk and save $$$.

Buy Blank Sticks
If you have an online shop or retail store that has the capacity to imprint or engrave drumsticks and you're looking for drumstick blanks or a drumstick supply company, we offer a very reasonably priced line of blank sticks that works well and keeps your costs down. Buy cheap drumsticks in bulk, like wholesale. They're cheap as in 'inexpensive' but are otherwise straight, finished, and clean in appearance. Let us supply your blank drum sticks for your custom imprinting or engraved logo printing programs. You concentrate on the printing or engraving and we'll supply the goods! For more information, call 1-800-DRUM BUM (378-6286). You're going to love our prices!
Drummers... want cheaper blank drumsticks?
We've all heard the complaints. Prices for top of the line drumsticks these days are outrageous! But when you turn to drumstick seconds, the quality drops considerably. We've got a line that we call 'quality 2nds'. Instead of discarding 'less than perfect' sticks, we went through them and hand-selected the best ones. For years now, we have sold our blank, American made, quality seconds with no complaints from our customers. They are receiving a solid, hickory or maple drumstick with very few blemishes and next to no warpage. Being blank, with no printing, they're also perfect sticks for companies, artists, or individuals that would like to print or decorate them themselves. Our 'drum playing' sticks are currently available in sizes 5A and 5B.